Daniel Assouline, the CEO of Montreal based UpClick.com, is a Responsible and Dependable Leader

Modern organizations are functioning in an increasingly chaotic business environment. This has generated its own unique shares of challenges and problems for the person heading it. Daniel Assouline, the CEO of Montreal based UpClick.com, is a natural born leader towards whom people can always look up for guidance, support, and motivation.

Care and concern for people are often the chief differentiators between successful and unsuccessful leaders. No leaders can achieve anything worthwhile without the support and help of their followers. It is the people who make or break a leader.

Great leaders have a vision and a strong sense of purpose. These two very important characteristics of good leadership will, however, count for little if the leader fails to strike a chord with the followers. Vision can only turn into reality if you have the love, trust, and respect of your employees.

Bad leaders blinded to reason by their hubris often treat their employees as a capital that can be leveraged to increase the bottom line of the organization. Good leaders on the other hand know the importance of their subordinates and treat them as important resources that need careful tending and nurturing.

Daniel Assouline, the CEO of Montreal based UpClick.com, is a people centric leader who believes that it is the job of the leader to train, develop, and serve his employees.

ImageIt is imperative for the CEO to be fully aware of the going on in the marketplace. Daniel Assouline, the CEO of UpClick, keeps a close watch on the ever-changing needs and preference of the clients and customers.

Good leaders are not afraid of delegating authority.  Daniel Assouline, the CEO of Montreal based UpClick, believes that delegation is a sign of strength and not weakness.